English Autumn Term 1

Autumn Term 1

This half-term our topic is

'Me and My Family'

This half term will be focused around the children, learning about their interests and discussing and understanding our emotions while they settle into school.

Here are some of the books we will be reading:

So Much

The Colour Monster

My Shadow is Pink

We're Going On A Lion Walk

We're Going On A Bear Hunt

So Much : Cooke, Trish, Oxenbury, Helen: Amazon.co.uk: Books

The Colour Monster: Amazon.co.uk: Llenas, Anna: 9781783704941: Books




We also have story time twice a day! Children vote for their favourite story and we read it together at the end of the day.

Living and Learning - St James' Primary School, Wetherby

Before morning play we have our 'Talk Through Stories' sessions which are based on key texts with rich detailed language. We talk through the characters, plot and extend our vocabulary through role play and discussions.

We also use 'Talk 4 Writing' in Reception, where children learn a story by heart and we use pictures and actions to help us remember. This allows children to recall and use different vocabulary and helps with their writing!

Picture | Talk 4 writing, Education and literacy, Goldilocks ...



In Reception, we use phonics to help sound out our words. We practice blending them together using Read Write Inc.

Look at our phonics page for more information and guidance.


In Reception, children do 1 writing task a week in their red Literacy books. 

We will be practising how to hold our pencil, recognise our name, writing our names and practising writing the sounds from set 1 phonics.


Here are the Early Learning Goals for the end of the Year for Reception!

Word Reading Writing Comprehension
Say a sound for each letter in the alphabet and at
least 10 digraphs.
• Read words consistent with their phonic
knowledge by sound-blending.
• Read aloud simple sentences and books that are
consistent with their phonic knowledge, including
some common exception words
• Write recognisable letters, most of which are
correctly formed.
• Spell words by identifying sounds in them and
representing the sounds with a letter or letters.
• Write simple phrases and sentences that can be
read by others.
• Demonstrate understanding of what has been
read to them by retelling stories and narratives
using their own words and recently introduced
• Anticipate (where appropriate) key events
in stories.
• Use and understand recently introduced
vocabulary during discussions about stories, nonfiction, rhymes and poems and during role play.