Humanities - Geography Autumn 1

London, is it a place for me?

We are looking at our Geography skills in Autumn 1. We will be looking at the London and our local area. We will be thinking about the people and the landscape of London. The children will develop their geographical skills during this topic. Have a look at our Knowledge Organiser to find out more!    


Geographical Key Skills

Locational Knowledge

I can understand how some places are linked to other places eg. roads and trains.

Place Knowledge

I can name,compare and describe places I know.

I can link my home with other places in my area.

I can show I know about changes that are happening in my local environment.

I can suggest ways to improve my local area.

Human and Physical Geography 

I can use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key human features.

Geographical Skills and Fieldwork

I can ask simple Geographical questions.

I can use simple observationsal skills to study the Geography of my local area.

I can use simple maps of the local area.

I can use words like near, far, left anf right to talk about where things are.

I can make simple maps and plans.