
Our Intent

At St George’s, we deliver the content of the national curriculum, with a distinct Christian ethos underpinning everything we do. We believe in celebrating the diversity of our children by building on their starting points of cultural capital and nurturing their individual interests and talents. Our supportive school community equips our children with the tolerance, language and confidence to embrace modern Britain and the wider world, when they leave St George’s.

Our Curriculum is:

  • Fully inclusive

  • Vocabulary-driven

  • Knowledge-rich

  • Thought-provoking

  • Aspirational and inspirational

Fully Inclusive

We believe that every child has the right to an ambitious and balanced curriculum, and we work hard to break down individual barriers to learning. We challenge each child at their level through rich texts, experiences and activities, and ensure that individual needs are fully supported. All children at St George’s are equal and we are dedicated to helping children reach their true potential no matter their starting point.


Being such a diverse school, our children speak many different languages and as such, English may not be their mother tongue. We believe that in order for children to succeed well and access the full curriculum, vocabulary is at the heart of everything that we teach. No matter when children join St George’s in their primary years, we aim to inspire a love for reading. We give daily interventions to close gaps in children’s phonics, reading and spoken English, and we place the same importance on subject-specific vocabulary across the curriculum as we do in our English lessons. We want our children to leave St George’s feeling well-equipped with language and conversation skills to be able to communicate confidently.  


Our entire curriculum is driven by knowledge and understanding of the world around us. We aim to have an ever-changing curriculum that grows organically with our children. We want to celebrate and reflect our children’s heritages and therefore who better to learn from but our children themselves? Our carefully sequenced curriculum builds on knowledge and skills year on year, thus equipping our children with the cultural capital they need to succeed in secondary school.


We want our children to be reflective, critical thinkers. By helping our children to learn how to learn, we hand over the autonomy of their education and enable their growth mind-set to flourish. We want to nurture their natural curiosity to learn and help to develop their can-do attitude through making mistakes and giving them the tools to learn for themselves.  We provide stem sentence starters to help children practice their questioning and their debate skills, and through an extensive PSHE and RE curriculum, we help children to navigate big emotions and start to regulate their feelings and reactions.  

Aspirational and Inspirational

Through all of the above, we believe we have an aspirational and inspirational curriculum. We have designed it carefully to reflect the heritages and backgrounds of our children and see it as an opportunity to celebrate our diversity. We pride ourselves on delivering a curriculum which provides opportunities for children to build on their cultural capital and inspire them to be anything that they want to be. Through trips, visitors, clubs and enrichment, we aim to build on children’s individual starting points and give them a love for learning and a lust for life. We believe that every child has the right to live life to the fullest.

You can find the British Values by clicking here

You can see the Primary National Curriculum by clicking here

You can see our Curriculum Map by clicking here

If you would like further information on our school curriculum please contact the school office to organise a meeting with the Head of School.