Michael Rosen Year 2 2024 - 2025

Miss Kubeyinje

Miss Kubeyinje


Welcome to our Year 2 class page!


I am your teacher Miss Kubeyinje. Your other Support Staff this year are Miss Paulette and Miss Helen. 

Click the tabs at the top of the page to find out what we are going to be learning this term.

You can see what else we have been up to in Year 2 by going to our blogs page - click HERE to find out about our weekly learning!

Year 2 Key Information:

Our school day begins at 8:40am and finishes at 3.15pm. We use the KS1 Gate on Tower Mill Road.
Reading Record, RWI book and reading book
PE Kit - white t-shirt, blue joggers and white trainers
Reading Record, RWI book and reading book
Homework to be handed in

Reading Record, RWI book and reading book

Reading Record, RWI book and reading book
Homework given out

Reading Record, RWI book and reading book

PE Kits should be brought in on Mondays.

Reading Records should be in your child's bag every day. They should be read with at least 5x in a week and signed by another member of your family. See READING page for more information.

Homework is given out on Friday and must be brought in on a Wednesday. 

We are continuing the contact through the class emails, so if you have any concerns please do email year2@stgps.org.uk and I will get back to you within the normal school working hours.

Miss Kubeyinje 

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