

Spring 2 2024

In Year 3 English sessions, we take the time to focus on and master key skills for writing from the Year 3 curriculum. Each day, your child will practise a key skill and then complete a piece of writing where the skill should be embedded. This half term we will be looking at two fantastic writing texts; 'The Last Garden' by Rachel Ip and 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit.


For the first text (The Last Garden), for genres and outcomes, the children will explore own version extended narrative, setting descriptions, advertisement/posters, retelling of stories, instructional flyers, social media updates and dialogue.



The second text explores setting descriptions, information reports, dialogues and own versions of historical narratives.




Here is what is expected by children in English at the end of Year 3. Parents and carers, please have a read and familiarise yourself with what your child is aiming towards:
