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We follow a maths mastery approach at St. George's and as such, we are spending a long time on number (place value), addition and subtraction. When we are secure in the Year 4 concepts, we will move on to incorporating more complex ideas into our lessons, always drawing on previous learning in order to make connections. The aim is to become fluent in number facts, be able to represent what we know in many different ways and make links between areas of knowledge - thus becoming maths masters!

At St. George's, we believe everyone can master maths.

With hard work and encouragement, we can all achieve!


During Summer 1  we are focusing on spine 2- Multiplication and Division 

We will be studying

     Topic 2.14 Multiplication: Partitioning leading to short multiplication  

  • Teaching point 1: The distributive law can be applied to multiply any two-digit number by a single-digit number, by partitioning the two-digit number into tens and ones, multiplying the parts by the single-digit number, then adding the partial products.
  • Teaching point 2: Any two-digit number can be multiplied by a single-digit number using an algorithm called ‘short multiplication’; the digits of the factors must be aligned correctly; the algorithm is applied working from the least significant digit (on the right) to the most significant digit (on the left); if the product in any column is ten or greater, we must ‘regroup’.
  • Teaching point 3: The distributive law can be applied to multiply any three-digit number by a single-digit number, by partitioning the three-digit number into hundreds, tens and ones, multiplying the parts by the single-digit number, then adding the partial products.
  • Teaching point 4: Any three-digit number can be multiplied by a single-digit number using the short multiplication algorithm.

 Topic 2.15 Division: Partitioning leading to short division

  • Teaching point 1: Any two-digit number can be divided by a single-digit number, by partitioning the two-digit number into tens and ones, dividing the parts by the single-digit number, then adding the partial quotients; if dividing the tens gives a remainder of one or more tens, we must exchange the remaining tens for ones before dividing the resulting ones value by the single-digit number.
  • Teaching point 2: Any two-digit number can be divided by a single-digit number using an algorithm called ‘short division’; the algorithm is applied working from the most significant digit (on the left) to the least significant digit (on the right); if there is a remainder in the tens column, we must ‘exchange’.
  • Teaching point 3: Any three-digit number can be divided by a single-digit number, by partitioning the two-digit number into hundreds, tens and ones, dividing the parts by the single-digit number, then adding the partial quotients; if dividing the hundreds gives a remainder of one or more hundreds, we must exchange the remaining hundreds for tens before dividing the resulting tens value by the single-digit number.
  • Teaching point 4: Any three-digit number can be divided by a single-digit number using the short-division algorithm.

 Topic 2.16 Multiplicative Contexts: are and perimeter 

  • Teaching point 1: Perimeter is the distance around the edge of a two-dimensional (2D) shape.
  • Teaching point 2: Perimeter is measured in units of length and can be calculated by adding together the lengths of the sides of a 2D shape.
  • Teaching point 3: Multiplication can be used to calculate the perimeter of a regular polygon; when the perimeter is known, side-lengths can be calculated using division.
  • Teaching point 4: Area is the measurement of the surface of a flat item.
  • Teaching point 5: Area is measured in square units, such as square centimetres (cm2) and square metres (m2).
  • Teaching point 6: The area of a rectangle can be calculated using multiplication; the area of a composite rectilinear shape can be found by splitting the shape into smaller rectangles.

I will continue to set Mathletics homework each week. It will be set on Friday and will be due the next Wednesday. It will always complement the work we are doing in class.

Parents, for help using Mathletics please follow the link below:

Children, if you don't understand something, click the 'i' in the top-tight corner. This will give you an explanation if you follow the arrows on the right.




