PSHE & Wellbeing



In Autumn 1, our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) question is:

What makes up a person's identity?



Core Theme Health and Wellbeing

  • how to recognise and respect similarities anddifferencesbetween people and what they have in common with others

  • that there are a range of factors that contribute to a person’s identity (e.g. ethnicity, family, faith, culture, gender, hobbies, likes/dislikes)

  • how individuality and personal qualities make up someone’s identity (including that gender identity is part of personal identity and for some people does not correspond with their biological sex)

  • about stereotypes and how they are not always accurate, and can negatively influence behaviours and attitudes towards others

  • how to challenge stereotypes and assumptions about others


PoS refs: H25, H26, H27, R32, L9

H25.about personal identity; what contributes to who we are(e.g. ethnicity, family, gender, faith, culture, hobbies, likes/dislikes)

H26.that for some people gender identity does not correspond with their biological sex

H27. to recognise their individuality and personal qualities

R32. about respecting the differences and similarities between people and recognising what they have in common with others e.g. physically, in personality or background

L9.about stereotypes; how they can negatively influence behaviours and attitudes towards others; strategies for challenging stereotypes