Our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) Unit in Autumn 1:

'How can we manage risk in different places? 


We will be looking at:

How to recognise, predict, assess and manage risk in different situations

How to keep safe in the local environment and less familiar locations (e.g. near rail, water, road; fire/firework safety; sun safety and the safe use of digital devices when out and about)

How people can be influenced by their peers’ behaviour and by a desire for peer approval; how to manage this influence

How people’s online actions can impact on other people

How to keep safe online, including managing requests for personal information and recognising what is appropriate to share or not share online

How to report concerns, including about inappropriate online content and contact

That rules, restrictions and laws exist to help people keep safe and how to respond if they become aware of a situation that is anti-social or against the law