

In KS2, Guided Reading happens every day at the same time as Phonics. As many children will be new to the format, we will begin simply, by embedding a least one Reading Vipers skill a day (below). Our two Guided Reading texts for Summer 2 (2024) are 'Mr Penguin and the Lost Treasure' by Alex T. Smith and 'Two Weeks with the Queen' by Morris Gleitzman. 

In 'Mr Penguin and the Lost Treasure', children will become detectives as they decipher the meanings of words and phrases in context and make inferences from the clues presented.  There will be opportunities for children to practice retrieval, summarising, comparing and sequencing throughout, as well as collaboration and role play as children work together to solve the mystery of the lost treasure.

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'Two Weeks with the Queen' is an important book with wonderful characters that children will be able to empathise with. Colin Mudford is on a quest. His brother Luke has cancer and the doctors in Australia don't seem to be able to cure him. Sent to London to stay with relatives, Colin is desperate to do something to help Luke. He wants to find the best the doctor in the world. Where better to start than by going to the top? Colin is determined to ask the Queen for her advice. In Morris Gleitzman's trademark style, this very moving story illuminates deeply serious issues about illness and loss with bright moments of humour.


Children, remember that reading is the single most important thing you can do for your education. At St Georges we aim to foster a love of reading with our children. Our guided reading sessions as well as daily story time are really enjoyed by children. Parents and carers, please, please listen to your child read every night if you can - it is one of the best things that you can do to support their learning.anjan-sarkar-illustration-of-boy-reading-b-heart.png

Children will have two books to take home with them from school - one colour-coded book which has been chosen according to their reading level, and a Reading for Pleasure book they have chosen themselves from the Book Corner. 

Your child should have access a wide range of reading texts to inspire and challenge them on their reading journey. Your local library is free to join, and you can borrow books for FREE! Audiobooks are great too, and Youtube has lots of story books for your child to enjoy. Click on the links below to access a range of titles: is great for online books and it is free to register a home account

Amazon also do free children's ebooks on their website - you do not need a kindle to access these digital texts.