Religious Education


Year 5 Religious Education
Summer 2




Our key question this at the first half of this half-term is:

How and Why Do Muslims Uphold Their Faith By Giving Commitment To Allah?


Islam Prayer Symbols.jpg


Curriculum Coverage AT1: Learning About Religion
Focus: Practices and ways of life

Overarching Target:
Describe why people belong to religions and explain how similarities and differences within and between religions can make a difference to the lives of individuals and communities

Subsequent Targets:

  • Understand that commitment is part of living as a practising believer;
  • Describe how religious practice shapes the lives and worship of believers;
  • Explain how silence and stillness may aid reflection and prayer;
  • Recognise the link between faith and action in individuals and in groups of believers;
  • Explain and compare the impact of faith on individuals and on the community.
  • Explain the impact of faith on individuals;
    Describe why people belong to Islam or other religions and explain how similarities and differences within and between Islam and other religions can make a difference to the lives of individuals and communities.


Curriculum coverage AT2: Learning From Religion
Focus: Values and commitments 

Overarching Target:
Ask questions about things that are important to me and to other people and suggest answers which relate to my own and others’ lives

Subsequent Targets:

  • Know what commitment means and be able to identify things that they are committed to.
  • Share about places, times and conditions that are conducive to reflection and, (if appropriate) prayer in their life.
  • Recognise the links between beliefs and action in their own life.
  • Offer insights into the faith and religious commitment of others.
  • Explain what is important to them.
  • Ask questions about things that are important to them and other people and suggest answers which relate to their own and others’ lives.



Please feel free to join in our daily prayer:

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