Religious Education

Religious Education 

This half term (Summer 2 2024), the religion we are learning about the religion is Islam. Our learning questions for this topic is 'What does it mean to be a Muslim?'


Our TOPIC FOCUS is Practises and Way of Life.



What this unit teaches:

  • Importance of Muhammad (pbuh;)
  • Importance of the Qur’an and how it is treated by Muslims;
  • What stories teach about Muslim beliefs;
  • Islamic practices (including prayer, birth rites and Islamic art;)
  • Significance of the mosque;

Similarities and differences of worship and ideas about Allah, (God) between Islam and other faiths.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development:

Opportunities for reflection;

Respect for all faiths;

Listening to the views of others;

Appreciation of Islamic art and music.


Respectful use of names and artefacts;

Respect for dress codes (if visiting a mosque;)

Awareness of acceptable representations in Islamic art.

Future Learning: The second unit learning about and from Islam: The Five Pillars of Islam that form the basis of the Islamic faith.



Our targets for Religious Education are:

Curriculum Coverage AT1: Learning About Religion

Focus: Beliefs, teachings and sources

 I can describe some of the things that are the same and different for religious people


Curriculum coverage AT2: Learning From Religion


Here are the Daily Prayers we use at school:





Check out our Class Blog page for some of our class reflections on this topic!

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