Roald Dahl Year 3: Blog items
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Pointillism, by Miss Bougeard
Sandwich Snacks, by Miss Bougeard
Mastering Fractions!, by Miss Bougeard
Year 3's Trip to the Transport Museum, by Miss Bougeard
Hinduism, by Miss Bougeard
African Drumming, by Miss Bougeard
Year 3's Trip to the Horniman Museum, by Miss Bougeard
Revolting Recipes, by Miss Bougeard
Journeys, by Miss Bougeard
How to make a fossil, by Miss Bougeard
Maths Learning - Place Value, by Miss Bougeard
We Are Artists!, by Miss Bougeard
Year 3 Sandwiches, by Miss Lozano
Possible Reopening of School to More Pupils in June, by Mr Rojas
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